(((Shell))) it'll pass.
These doubts are part of life, as are the choices we make. I've never been a JW but I had the exact same worries when I left the RC church - and I still do get them from time to time.
I don't know why I'm writing what I'm about to as its only remotely related! I had a job interview yesterday and found out very quickly that I hadn't got the job - an email was waiting by the time I got home. i couldn't think of anything I did wrong so I assumed they just had better qualified applicants... then in the early hours of this morning I realised that I had actually made a dreadful mistake in the role play part of the interview!! My heart went through the floor as I knew it was a job I'd have enjoyed and been good at - but now I'm barred from applying for any jobs with them for 6 months - by which time I'll hopefully have another job anyway.
Like I said, I don't know why I wrote that - maybe its to show that we are allowed to make mistakes and feel bad about it - but we do survive them - all is not lost in spite of what anyone else might tell you. Life is full of opportunities - be true to your own heart and the rest will follow (eventually!), keep looking forward.
As for your children - well the WT should heed its own teachings - the soul that sins is the soul that dies - so they shouldn't be condemned for anything that you've done!